🎨Art Classes🖌
★Regular Art Class★
New Class!
Painting, Color, Design for Children (ages 8-12)
子供アートクラス(英語) @ The Art Students League of New York Class Description Students will be introduced to various media such as drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, and sculpture in the studio setting. Occasionally, there will be clothed life models and still lifes to draw, paint, and create a wide range of different forms of art. They will learn and explore the elements of art through fun activities, will be inspired by historic artists, and will be encouraged to express, experiment, and expand their artistic talents. September 2024 - May 2025 [More Info and Register Here] Saturday, 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm (PM Session) Monthly Cost: $169.95 Summer Session: July 1 - August 15, 2024 [Register Here] Monday - Thursday (4 days a week), 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm (PM Session) Cost for July: $427.45 |
★Private Art Classes★
Private Art Lessons for Adults (プライベートアートレッスン 日本語・英語)
One Time (90min/ 90分) - In person @ my studio in Bushwick (スタジオ個人対面) : $180 - Group (2-4 people) /グループ(2~4名様まで): $200 + Material fee* * Please divide by number of people (人数で割って下さい)(*Material fee of $20 per person would be added, 材料費お一人$20別途かかります。) - Online (Zoom) オンライン: $110** (**Materials are not included, 材料は別途購入) *Classes at my studio with supplies, or can be at your desired location but materials are NOT included. 基本クラスはスタジオで行います。出張も可。その場合は画材は別途実費になります。 90min x 4 times / 90分x4回 クラス - In person (プライベート個人対面) : $660** - Online (Zoom) オンライン: $390** (**Materials are not included, 画材は別途実費) Alcohol ink art アルコールインクアート >> Details 詳細 Watercolor techniques 水彩画テクニック >> Details 詳細 Abstract Art (Composition and color technique) アブストラクトアート指導 >> Details 詳細 Oil Painting techniques 油彩画テクニック >> Details 詳細 *Please feel free to ask any questions. その他、質問、詳細はお問い合わせください。 Contact(お問い合わせ・お申し込み) |
Private Art Lessons for Children (子供 プライベートアートクラス 日本語・英語) 90min
- In person(個人対面): $180* for 90 min (1 child or with 1 adult, 子供1名または大人同伴) - Group (2-4 people) / グループ(2~4名様まで): $220* (Please divide by number of people, 人数で割って下さい。) 90min x 4 times / 90分x4回 クラス - In person (プライベート個人対面) : $660* - Online (Zoom) オンライン: $390* *Materials are not included(画材費は含まれていません) Class Description / クラス内容 Hands-on art activities designed for each child depending on their age and art skills. Students will be introduced to various media such as drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, and sculpture. Through fun activities, they will explore the elements of art, be inspired by historic artists, and be encouraged to express themselves, experiment, and expand their artistic talents. 各お子様の年齢やスキルに合わせたアートアクティビティをご提供します。 クラスでは、絵画、コラージュ、版画、彫刻などのさまざまなメディアを学ぶ事が出来ます。楽しみながらアートの要素を探求し、時には歴史上の有名なアーティストを紹介し、インスパイヤーされた制作などを通して自分を表現し、楽しみながらアートの才能を伸ばしていきます。 - Background-checked and certified by the City of New York. - ニューヨーク市認定バックグラウンドチェック済み。 Contact(お問い合わせ・お申し込み) |

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★Upcoming Workshops★
Unleash Creativity: Meditation and Alcohol Ink Art @ The Art Students League
Thu - Fri, February 6 - 7, 2025, 6:00 - 9:30pm

Workshop Description:
Explore the profound connection between meditation and art, realizing how a calm and focused mind enhances creative output. Express inner thoughts and emotions through visual expression. Engage in a meditation, followed by professional instruction in alcohol ink art techniques. Experience a brief guided meditation and live music played by Natalia Perlaza, who will read the group's energy and provide music during the meditation and art creation process.
This workshop focuses on instruction in compositions, colors, and additional methods and techniques to help you create your unique artwork. It’s ideal for individuals with some experience in alcohol inks, including those who have attended Kobayashi's previous workshops. If you are new to alcohol ink, we recommend starting with her workshop, “Alcohol Ink: Fluid Abstract Paintings.”
$275 (Materials and live music included*)
* See the link below for details and additional suggested supplies.
The Art Students League of New York
215 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019 212-247-4510 (phone)
[email protected]
Workshop details and register HERE
Explore the profound connection between meditation and art, realizing how a calm and focused mind enhances creative output. Express inner thoughts and emotions through visual expression. Engage in a meditation, followed by professional instruction in alcohol ink art techniques. Experience a brief guided meditation and live music played by Natalia Perlaza, who will read the group's energy and provide music during the meditation and art creation process.
This workshop focuses on instruction in compositions, colors, and additional methods and techniques to help you create your unique artwork. It’s ideal for individuals with some experience in alcohol inks, including those who have attended Kobayashi's previous workshops. If you are new to alcohol ink, we recommend starting with her workshop, “Alcohol Ink: Fluid Abstract Paintings.”
$275 (Materials and live music included*)
* See the link below for details and additional suggested supplies.
The Art Students League of New York
215 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019 212-247-4510 (phone)
[email protected]
Workshop details and register HERE
★Teaching Experiences★
2024 -Present, Mixed Media Class, The Art Students League of New York
2022 - Present, Alcohol Ink: Fluid Abstract Painting Workshops, The Art Students League of New York
2021 - Present, Painting, Color, Design for Children, The Art Students League of New York
2013 - Present, Outreach Program, Seeds of The League's Children's After School and Summer Camp Art Program, New York City Parks and Recreation Centers:
Asser Levy Center, New York, NY
ARROW Field House, Queens, NY
Hansborough Center, New York, NY
J Hood Wright Center, New York, NY
Recreation Center 54, New York, NY
and other locations
Pre-School Art program, New York City Parks and Recreation Centers:
Jackie Robinson Center, New York, NY
Recreation Center 54, New York, NY
*2019, the Mayoral Service Recognition Program awarded her a Certificate of Appreciation for her outstanding efforts.
Other workshops/ classes for adults:
Alcohol Ink: Fluid Abstract Paintings Workshop:
The Art Students League of New York
Jewell House, New York, NY
MIKA Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
Printmaking workshops:
Chelsea Recreation Center, New York, NY
Brownsville Center, Brooklyn, NY
The 34th Street Partnership, Herald Square Outdoor Art, New York, NY
and other locations
Watercolor Workshops:
J Hood Wright Park, New York, NY
Clifton Place Memorial Garden and Park, Brooklyn, NY
Maggie's Magic Garden with GreenThumb, NY, NY
Bushwick Inlet Park, New York City Parks, Brooklyn, NY
Recreation Center 54, New York, NY
and other locations
Other workshops/ classes:
Alcohol ink art workshop, MIKA Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
Origami Workshop, 50th Anniversary of Public Art in New York City Parks, Central Park, New York, NY
Yatsuo Slow Art Workshop, Yatsuo, Toyama, Japan, Workshops by contemporary artists for Kashio Elementary School Students
Substitute for Abstract Class, The Art Students League of New York
2022 - Present, Alcohol Ink: Fluid Abstract Painting Workshops, The Art Students League of New York
2021 - Present, Painting, Color, Design for Children, The Art Students League of New York
2013 - Present, Outreach Program, Seeds of The League's Children's After School and Summer Camp Art Program, New York City Parks and Recreation Centers:
Asser Levy Center, New York, NY
ARROW Field House, Queens, NY
Hansborough Center, New York, NY
J Hood Wright Center, New York, NY
Recreation Center 54, New York, NY
and other locations
Pre-School Art program, New York City Parks and Recreation Centers:
Jackie Robinson Center, New York, NY
Recreation Center 54, New York, NY
*2019, the Mayoral Service Recognition Program awarded her a Certificate of Appreciation for her outstanding efforts.
Other workshops/ classes for adults:
Alcohol Ink: Fluid Abstract Paintings Workshop:
The Art Students League of New York
Jewell House, New York, NY
MIKA Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
Printmaking workshops:
Chelsea Recreation Center, New York, NY
Brownsville Center, Brooklyn, NY
The 34th Street Partnership, Herald Square Outdoor Art, New York, NY
and other locations
Watercolor Workshops:
J Hood Wright Park, New York, NY
Clifton Place Memorial Garden and Park, Brooklyn, NY
Maggie's Magic Garden with GreenThumb, NY, NY
Bushwick Inlet Park, New York City Parks, Brooklyn, NY
Recreation Center 54, New York, NY
and other locations
Other workshops/ classes:
Alcohol ink art workshop, MIKA Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
Origami Workshop, 50th Anniversary of Public Art in New York City Parks, Central Park, New York, NY
Yatsuo Slow Art Workshop, Yatsuo, Toyama, Japan, Workshops by contemporary artists for Kashio Elementary School Students
Substitute for Abstract Class, The Art Students League of New York